CPO is taking the spread of COVID-19 very seriously. We are monitoring the situation, staying in touch with our local Public Health officials, and updating our processes and protocols accordingly.
It is important to know that 80% of COVID-19 cases are mild or without symptoms. Like the seasonal flu, COVID-19 infection is more severe in patients with chronic underlying health conditions and the elderly. For the most updated information about COVID-19, visit the CDC’s Share the Facts, Stop the Fear page.
We will update this page as we learn more to provide you updated resources on COVID-19.
In order to help us protect you, our staff and other patients, please call us to reschedule your appointment, if you have any of the following symptoms:
– A fever over 100F
– Dry cough
– New onset of shortness of breath
– Or feel sick in any way
We appreciate your patience during this time.